Estelle Gachet

Estelle Gachet

Club Member

Why am I in DuoLife ?

  • I create a better world with them!

My personal message

Petite présentation sur moi
Bonjour à tous et à toutes,

Je me présente Estelle Gachet, je suis une vendeuse en ligne pour DuoLife.en dehors de DuoLife je suis une cavalière qui a pue participer au championnat de France 2019 en saut d'obstacle, arrivée 9èm place à la final club 3 (75cm de hauteur).

Je suis devenue vendeuse/conseillère de DuoLife depuis le 29/09/2019.j'ai voulue me lancer dans cet nouvelle aventure grâce à une connaissance à moi qui pour elle gagne bien sa vie avec ceci.

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My favorite products

Products in the new design will be available after the current version of the product is sold out. In the coming days, it is possible to package products in both versions, depending on the warehouse.

DuoLife Day & Night set is a specially developed formula that comes in two product bottles. The human body needs other ingredients during the day and others at night. The unique composition of natural ingredients supports the work of individual systems, depending on the daily cycle.

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Expiration date: 31.01.2020

DuoLife Medical Formula ProMigren® is a natural ally in the fight against adverse environmental factors. It is a rich source of substances supporting the function of the nervous system, as well as improving mental capacity. It effectively stimulates the organism’s immune system.

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An iron heart! It lets us ensure a long life in health and fitness. DuoLife Medical Formula ProCardiol® has been developed to achieve such effects. A rich source of natural substances that have a protective effect on the entire circulatory system.

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